Monday, September 16, 2013

A couple of character designs for class

This guy is based off of a construction worker I used to see around the Wilk at ~1:00 AM. He was a pretty cool guy, super friendly, but he just had the scraggliest beard. 

And this guy's just all over here like "MATH, YEAHHHH~" Still not sure how I feel about the legs and their curviness, at first I was like 'it gives it energy AWESOME' but then I looked at it and well it kind of looks like he needs some Skele-Gro up in there.

I've been drawing a lot of ladies recently, so I figured I'd switch things up and draw some gentlemen for this assignment whoops hopefully it doesn't bother anyonnnneeeee

Here is some proof:

Didn't finish it because her torso torsion (HA HA) bugs me, and also she is basically Arlong in lady form. 

DO YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST NOTICED I just noticed that all of these are facing the same direction. Believe it or not I have been flipping these the whole time I've been drawing them, so really I can draw things at more than one angle wheeeeeeee

Oh wait here's some more (considerably less exciting) stuff for class

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